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5 Reasons To Have A Professional Email Address

Free email providers are convenient, there’s no denying that, but what you save on hosting costs you’re likely paying for in other ways.

Any random person off the street can set up a gmail account in minutes, and abandon it even quicker. A professional business email however shows that you’re a proper business, not a dodgy fly-by-night operation.

It also comes with a host of other benefits that make it well worth your time to acquire one, as we’re going to show you. Read on to find out how your Small Business can benefit from investing in a professional email address.

1. Keep Your Branding Consistent

One of the most noticeable benefits of having a professional email address is the unity it brings to your branding. Your brand is the identity of your company, it’s the image that springs to mind when Customers think about your business, and it’s an image that takes a lot of hard work to build up.

Interrupting that image by throwing in someone else’s brand can be extremely jarring to Customers who think they know what to expect from you. Avoiding breaking that flow and undoing your hard work is something all Small Business Owners should be concerned with.

2. Organise Your Company

One of the problems with free emails is that you’re competing with the millions of others using them for the good addresses, and each time you need to create a new address you have to fight for it.

Having may work fine for a sole trader, but if your company grows beyond a few employees you’re going to start wanting more specific addresses for individual roles within the company.

This is where having a branded email comes in very, very handy.,,, the possibilities are endless.

Individual roles, departments, and employees can be assigned unique addresses that allow you to segment your company and improve organisation and manage the flow of information. If you’re currently talking to Customers with the same address you use to do your banking, you should really consider upgrading to a professional email.

3. Boost Your Credibility

As we mentioned earlier, anyone can snag themselves a free email account and run a business out of it, having one proves nothing. Having a branded email account with your name on it elevates you to the level of the top dogs.

You may not have the massive offices of a multinational conglomerate, but there’s nothing stopping you from boosting your email up to their level. The same fancy branded emails the biggest companies have are surprisingly affordable, and grant you the same level of credibility they have.

Demand to be taken seriously!

4. Gain Greater Control

This is another area where you really start to see the limitations of a free email service. When you sign up for a gmail account you’re just one of millions of identical users to them, they’re not going to offer you a huge amount of freedom in how you use their system.

With your own domain you usually gain access to a far larger suite of tools, and you always gain significantly more freedom in how you use them. If you ever find yourself straining at the limits of what a free account can do for you, it’s time to look at investing in an upgrade.

5. Avoid Spam Filters

It’s not just Customers who view you as more credible when you have a professional email address, their email providers do too.

Spam emails are a massive problem, one that email providers everywhere are constantly fighting against. If you look suspicious, they won’t hesitate to block your emails from arriving in recipients’ inboxes.

The trick to avoiding this is to not look like a spammer, and a custom domain will help with this. Spammers churn through addresses, to them they’re disposable. They’d never bother to purchase a custom domain because they know it’s going to end up on a blacklist soon, at which point they’ll move on to the next address. When ESPs scrutinise your emails for signs of suspicious behavior, having a professional email address is a big tick in your favour.

Hopefully now you see just how useful a professional email address can be, it’s an investment in the future of your business. If you’re looking to build your trust and credibility, look into getting yourself a custom email.

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