As unglamorous as it may be, your Web Hosting will go a long way to deciding how successful your Small Business can be Online. Hosting is the foundation that Website, Marketing, and Emails are all built on; without a strong base, you can’t build anything that’ll last.
In this guide we talk you through a couple of the essentials when considering a new Hosting company
Who Doesn’t Love Feeling Safe And Secure?
You’re not going to achieve anything Online if you’re not secure. Even worse, if you
do actually manage to make some big strides and achieve some success, it could all be taken away from you if you’re placing yourself at unnecessary risk. A secure
arrangement should be right at the top of the list when it comes to deciding on how to host your Business Online.
Make sure you find yourself a provider who has experience with Sites just like yours, and make sure they’re quick to respond if you ever see any warning messages about security certificates or threats.
On a similar note, if something ever does go wrong (and be real, this is the internet we’re talking about) you need to know you’ve got all the backups and expertise required to get you running again before irreparable damage is done.
Speed Is Essential
Speed is a real killer Online. Most experts are in agreeance that the average person will leave a Site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds.Think about the last time you were sat on your phone at the pub waiting for a friend to turn up. Even then, when you were literally just trying to pass time, you would’ve been too busy to stare at a white screen as a page struggled to load.
If your Site loads too slowly, you’re going to lose those visitors you’ve busted a gut to grab the attention of. And, when that happens, you lose sales because you’ve failed to get someone to complete a purchase/ get in touch with you. If your Business could afford for that to happen on a regular basis you probably wouldn’t be reading this.
Pick Somebody Who Can Scale With your Business
When you’ve got speed and security nailed, you’re going to want to future-proof that. Ultimately, you’ve got to add an element of scalability. If you want more stability and/or growth, you’re going to be working to get more and more people seeing and visiting your Site.
Likewise, as your Business evolves, you’ll probably want to add products, pages, or features to your Site to ensure it reflects all the hard work you’re putting in offline. Your Hosting is going to become nothing but a source of frustration if it can’t handle that.
Ultimately, you want to find something that works for this version of your Business, but doesn’t stifle you 2 years down the track.
All things considered, security, speed, and growth potential are the essentials when it comes to Hosting for your Small Business. Focus on those (and not the technical jargon) when choosing a Hosting company and you’ll do just fine.