‘Get started now!’ ‘Find out how!’ How often have you seen something like that online? This is a Call To Action, and they’re an effective way to get Customers to take the course of action you want them to, especially when paired with some really good copy.
The job of your Call To Action is to seal the deal, to finish what your previous marketing and writing has started. It’s your last chance to land the sale you’re hoping for, and also your best shot.
A lot is riding on you having a really good Call To Action, so we’d better figure out how to build one.
Claim, secure, cement, conquer, these are all verbs with a strong message. Strong verbs are what your Call To Action needs to succeed. The first step to a successful Call To Action is to start off with a strong command. “Cement Your Success” is a much stronger Call To Action than “Watch Our Webinar”. If Customers are reading your Call To Action, the time for soft selling has passed, it’s time to sell to them as hard as you can.
Now, ordinarily you might be worried about potentially coming across as pushy, but at this point in your Customer’s journey through your website, they should be ready and willing to accept this kind of direct order. You’ve given them your full sales pitch, now it’s time to either reel them in and land the sale, or lose them.
Of course you can’t start strong and then stop trying, you need to be on top of your game from start to finish.
Every word in your Call To Action needs to be as powerful as the first, and that means keeping up the tension and excitement you’ve established. If you’ve succeeded in grabbing your potential Customer’s attention, your priority now becomes holding onto it.
Telling them to “Get a pretty good deal whenever you feel like it” is going to lose them pretty quickly. “Secure an amazing deal now!” is a much stronger sell. Be direct, be strong, and be exciting.
The overall feeling Customers should have when reading this is urgency. They should feel the need to jump on this opportunity now, lest they miss out forever. Your Call To Action should have a timeframe, a deadline for Customers to act by. If you’re currently promoting a sale or other limited time offer, then you absolutely need to be mentioning its imminent disappearance.
The tension of needing to secure an opportunity before it slips through their fingers is a powerful motivator for Customers to take the plunge and commit to making a purchase.
You can’t draw that tension out forever though, which takes us to our next point.
It takes a monumentally skilled writer to maintain tension indefinitely, and most of us fall well short of that. Excessive length allows readers to grow acclimatised to a situation, and once they’re comfortable, they stop feeling the pressure.
This goes both for your sales pitch prior to your Call To Action, as well as the Call To Action itself. Rambling on for pages and pages sabotages your attempt to generate excitement in your readers, especially when it comes to your Call To Action. The ideal length is six words or less.
A concise Call To Action gets the point across quickly and effectively, and is also more practical than an overly long one. After all, the place you’ll most commonly be featuring a CTA is on a button, so it needs to fit on that button.
Speaking of buttons, let’s discuss where to put those.
With your short, punchy, Call To Action ready to go, it’s time to add it to your Site. The question, of course, is where to add it. Placement matters greatly, you don’t want to squander its potential by placing it somewhere ineffective.
The first place you should put a Call To Action button is in your header or navigation bar. Somewhere it will always be visible if someone makes a decision to click it. You don’t want Customers to have to go searching for it once they’re ready to buy.
But you should never have just one Call To Action button. You can also use them to break up large blocks of content, either text or image. A multitasking Call To Action is even better than a regular one.
Finally, make sure there’s always a CTA button close at hand wherever you expect Customers to make a decision to buy. At the end of your testimonials, beneath your promotional video, at the bottom of your Meet the Team page, wherever they’re likely to be ready for that final push.
A well crafted and well placed Call To Action is the cherry on top of your sales pitch, it brings the whole thing together, without it it would be incomplete. Build Your Call To Action, and use it well. They can do great things for your sales.
Don’t miss out!