A Customer’s visit to your Site begins at your homepage, or does it? The Landing Page is another potential starting point, and also an endpoint.
You’re probably wondering how on Earth this can be, and what it has to do with the Site you’ve already spent so much time building.
Stick with us and we’ll show you how a Landing Page can help grow your Small Business.
Question one is, of course, just what is this Landing Page we’ve been rambling about? To answer that, we have to contrast it with homepages, like the one you presumably already have.
Your homepage is the starting point of a Customer’s journey through your website. They arrive and are immediately greeted by a high level overview of your business. There’s enough detail to interest them, but not so much as to bog them down. Most importantly, there are readily accessible links to allow them to delve deeper into whatever aspect of your business catches their eye.
A Landing Page does the complete opposite. A Landing Page has no links to other pages, once on the Landing Page a Customer is at the end of their journey. It may be the first page of your website that they’ve visited, but it’s not the beginning of their journey with your business.
Whereas a homepage can be found by just anyone, Customers must be sent to a Landing Page. A
marketing campaign will
direct leads to your Landing Page, at which point they will (hopefully) be ready to be
converted into sales. How you can do that, is what we’ll now discuss.
The strength of a Landing Page lies in it only having one job, to sell a Customer on a specific product or service. A Customer who has arrived at this page has done so because they’ve seen your marketing elsewhere and been interested in what you’re offering, the job of your Landing Page is to seal the deal.
Since that is its sole purpose, you’re free to go much deeper than you otherwise could. Your homepage needs to be concerned with brevity due to the number of different things it has to cover, but your Landing Page is free to delve deep into just this one aspect. You also benefit from the momentum generated by the marketing that drew them there, something an unfocused homepage would squander.
By creating a Landing Page specifically to receive visitors drawn to you by your marketing campaign, you can maintain that momentum and greatly increase your chances of them following through and making a purchase.
This hyper specialisation means you’ll need to build and then discard a new page for each campaign, but if they’re built right, the effort will be well worth it.
So what exactly does a Landing Page need to content in order to function as it should?
The first thing you should make sure it has is a big, obvious, call to action button. Your goal with this page is to finish the job your marketing started by securing a sale, and that means making the process as easy as possible for your Customers.
A button should be available the instant they arrive, just in case they’re already decided. A button at the top of the page that’s always visible is also recommended, to guarantee they can always act immediately on their decision to commit to buying.
Ideally they’ll be ready to buy the instant they arrive, but they may still need more convincing, which is where the content of your landing page comes in.
Your visuals should be impeccable, and the copy here should be just as persuasive as the marketing that led to it, covering all of the selling points you have to offer. For as long as you’re on this page, your sole purpose is to land this sale, treat it accordingly.
Also be sure to include another call to action button at the bottom of your copy, so they can easily click through if you’re successful.
Landing Pages are specialist tools, but incredibly useful ones, especially when combined with a good marketing campaign. Proper use of them both can lead to some impressive numbers, so don’t be afraid of their inflexibility, they’re well worth the effort.